Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Night Lights

It's Friday!!!! That means jam night over Dad's. I left my 5-string at home this week, so I'll be playing the Ibanez. I'm going to try and pick a couple songs we play tonight, and try and find a copy of the song, to play along with and practice for next week. I feel as though I'm really the weakest link on Jam Nights, and I want to change that. I'm going to try and work out a nightly schedule/routine for practice. A certain number of minutes spent on scales, some one songs, some on guitar, and some reading to learn more about how/why I'm playing what I do.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Slow learner

Sometimes, there's things that make me feel not very smart. Surprisingly, one of those things is music. I practiced for a little over an hour tonight. I worked on scales, like I said I was going to. I'm happy I did, but man, it made me realize just how bad my fretboard knowledge is. I'm going through my scales book page by page now, learning ALL of the different positions for scales on the neck. The firs two pages happen to be C Major, and C Minor. C major is easy as far as notes goes, no sharps, no flats. My problem with C Major lies in my lack of knowing the fretboard. When I go to the next string, I know the pattern, but I don't know the note. Easy as hell to read the tabs, hard for me to try and figure it out on my own. On the plus side, Since I'm working on C Minor as well, I now know, that the C Minor scale has three flats, E, A, and B.

The other thing I discovered, while doing this, is I should really start practicing standing up. Playing on the higher frets(basically 12 and up) it's tough to get my hand in position, without running it into my body. That makes it really hard to fret the notes correctly.

I'm going to end this on a positive note. I LOVE playing, I love making music, my new cow bell is awesome, and I'm VERY VERY happy with my music stand purchase. Also, my cousin just moved into a new place, and wants to drink some beers and play some music. You're damned right for thinking I'm going to take him up on that offer. Any time someone wants to play music, and teach me stuff, I'm there!! That goes for any of you as well(all one of my readers) You wanna jam sometime, and teach me how to play better, I'll see what I can do about making it, or have you stop by here. I've got a pull out couch, and a few liquor store local. ;)

Things that make you go COWBELL!!!!

Got my cowbell and music stand today. woooooooo
Plans for tonight, get home, eat dinner, setup music stand, put bass scales book on music stand, plug in bass amp, play from bass scales book. Learn my scales, not just the pattern, but actually learn the scales. It's surprisingly harder than I thought it would be to do it this way. I have to think a lot more than I thought I would. My fretboard knowledge is pretty bad, so working on my scales this way is really beneficial.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Time Management

I'm horrible with it. I'm going to try working on it, and making sure I sit down to play EVERY DAY! I've been good about it lately, but that doesn't usually last long. As long as I make myself sit down and practice, even just finger drills, etc. for a minimum of 15mins a day. I'm planning on longer practice sessions, but I know it's not always possible. I'm also going to try and keep this updated more often, and keep you all informed with my practices, and what I'm learning, or trying to do. Also, any suggestions you may have for songs to try and learn, or advice, I want to hear it. As I get better and learn some full songs and stuff, I might start a list over on the right of songs I've got down perfect. Eventually, I'll have some sound clips up of my playing etc.

On a side note, I've got four bass lessons coming to me, and I've been in contact with the teacher to try and set those up soon. It's only four lessons, so I'm going to have to see how much I can learn in a short amount of time.

On a side note, one of the coolest things happened to me last night. I was sitting at my computer, listening to my iTunes, and playing some games(working on one of this weeks badges, I'm addicted, once again, I love collecting things, and badges are things. :)) and this music started, and I thought this is catchy, then I realized, it was the song I wrote, and had recorded! I was super happy that the first thing I thought was, I like how this sounds, and it's catchy, then I thought, that's awesome! I just heard my music coming out the stereo. I mean I know it's MY computer, and MY iTunes, but still, I was amazed with how much pride I got just from hearing my music sing out of the speakers.

Don't call 9-1-1!!

I know, I cleaned my room, but that's no cause for alarm. Well not really anyway. :) I made room to spread out my guitars and amps, and such, so I can have some room to play. Nothing is plugged back in yet, since unfortunately I only have one outlet in my bedroom, so I'm going to have to rearrange some plugs, and run an extension cord to the other side of the room, for the amps. It's a never ending cycle of madness. I really just don't have enough room to set myself up and be organized. Just more stuff to look forward to when looking at a new apartment. So in case you haven't figured it out, I didn't get to play at all yesterday, but at least the room is clean. There's one project out of the way.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can I really be serious???

So I want to get more serious about learning how to play and getting better. But I have a hard time sticking to things, no matter how much I want to do it. I rarely see things through to the finish. With something like music, it's always been a huge passion of mine, and there really is no finish. No matter how good you get, there's always new styles and more to learn and improve upon. I like to buy new toys, and I've realized there are a few reason why.
1.) I'm a pack rat, and I love collecting things.
2.) It renews my interest and I dig in to play with my new toy.
3.) I buy things to cheer myself up. By buying guitars and such, it makes me feel better about not being able to buy a house, or new car, big stuff like that.

I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's part of what goes through my head. I think of any way possible to convince myself I need to get it. For example, I just bought a 5-string bass, and I'm always looking on ebay and craigslist for other guitars/basses. I'd love to have one of each kind. I justified the 5-string to myself by saying I want to learn how to play a 5-string, can't learn without having one right? Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I'm glad I bought it. But I really didn't NEED it. To be perfectly honest, I'm not good enough with 4 strings to justify buying a new bass, let alone one with an extra string.

The plus side, is number two. It has resparked my interest in playing and practicing at home. I've been playing at least a little bit every night. Trying to work on learning my scales again, and actually start getting good at playing.

I very much want to be a serious musician, one who can actually go play gigs, and be good enough to get paid for it. I want to go to an open mic night and play, instead of just listening. I want to see what it's like to stand on a stage and hear a bunch of people actually clap and bob their head to my playing. But I really lack personal motivation, I lack follow through, and I lack confidence. I know I'm getting better, but I'm FAR from being good.

I've got that odd instrument with 6-strings to work on too. Chances are, that's what I'd end up playing for an open mic night type deal. Unless I can get insanely good at bass real quick, and start composing some crazy stuff. :)