I haven't been over here in a while. I guess I'm due. I haven't been doing much of anything on the art or music front. Just my usual Friday night jamming, which is still a lot of fun. It amazes me how some nights, we actually sounds pretty good, and other nights, everyone is playing in a different time, almost sounds like different songs. It gets kind of frustrating, especially from a bass players point of view. I'm just as much to blame as anyone, I haven't done anything for practice besides showing up on Friday night. My skills seem at a stand still to me. I'm pretty quick, my ear is getting better, but pulling everything together just isn't my strong suit. As I said though, I haven't been practicing. My bedroom in the new apartment is still a mess, it's one of those too much stuff, not enough storage for it type deals, so I've just been ignoring it. When I can easily just grab my guitar or bass and play, it makes it much less likely that I will do so, same with drawing. I don't have a desk, or table I can draw on, so it's my bed, or lap or nothing. Even if I did, I could sit down and stare at a piece of paper for HOURS without putting the pencil to it. I get the most intense artists block. It's as if my brain literally shuts down, and I just see the blank paper in my head. I have so many ideas, and no way to translate them out of my head when I don't have paper, or my guitar in front of me, yet when I do, I don't have the skill, knowledge, or I just plain go blank. Also, I need to learn how to relax when I play, not slow down, but relax.
Man I love iced coffee...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It's begun!
I've started packing. Of course in true lazy fashion, I packed all the easy stuff first. All my cds, and dvds are boxed up. I started cleaning up and packing some of my music stuff, the microphone, music stand, a bunch of my books, I think I'll leave the guitars out of the cases, so I can still play around when I have a few minutes. and the amps and stuff don't go in boxes anyway. ;) I did a bit of messing around with the tablet in Inkscape last night. Inkscape is a good FREE vector art program. Similar to Illustrator, but quite a bit different. You can't beat it for free though. I'm still having a little bit of an issue with using the tablet as opposed to the mouse, but it is getting easier. I really hope I have enough room in the new apartment for a desk, that should probably help quite a bit too.
There's so much stuff I want to do, I really have to learn how to motivate myself and just do it. I was really hoping there'd be some outlets up in the attic at the new place, but no such luck, unless I just didn't see it. I might be able to just run an extension chord up there, so I can at least have a radio for working out, etc. Once I'm all settled in, I want to look into getting one of those brew at home beer kits, and make a batch or two... See, so many hobbies... :/ haha
I sure do wish I was actually real good at one of my hobbies...
There's so much stuff I want to do, I really have to learn how to motivate myself and just do it. I was really hoping there'd be some outlets up in the attic at the new place, but no such luck, unless I just didn't see it. I might be able to just run an extension chord up there, so I can at least have a radio for working out, etc. Once I'm all settled in, I want to look into getting one of those brew at home beer kits, and make a batch or two... See, so many hobbies... :/ haha
I sure do wish I was actually real good at one of my hobbies...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Anybody want to buy me a new fast computer with CS4?? anybody?? :) Ehh, just one more thing on my list of wants. I'm getting into Illustrator. I suck, but it's fun!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Lots going on right now!
I'm in the process of finally moving! So I've got packing, and weeding through my copious amounts of stuff to see what I can junk and what I want to keep. I'm moving back to my home town, which has me VERY excited. I'm going to be closer to pretty much everything except my friends that I've made in the Haverhill area. Which to be perfectly honest, the only people I really talk to from that area are in the bars. I'm sure I'll miss walking down to the Chit Chat or the Tap etc. all the time, but I'm sure my wallet will thank me for it. I'm still thumping around on the bass, when I have time at home, and every Friday. I'm still working on drawing and coloring again. I've been finding new inspiration all over the place. I went to a comic convention in NH last weekend, had a lot of fun, and got an awesome picture of Deadpool by Pop Mhan. Really nice guy and awesome art, I'm still in shock at how fast he does this stuff and how great it comes out. You can see the con sketch here. I've also got plans in the works to get my motorcycle license and get a bike. If anyone has suggestions as to a good bike for cheap, I'm more than willing to listen. :) My workouts have been scarce lately, but I'm really hoping that will change when I move. I should have a bit more free time, and not feel so disgusting by the time I get home. I'm really looking forward to using this move as a spring board for organizing and fixing the rest of my life. I've been really miserable lately, and a good part of it is my house. I hate where I currently live, but that's changing in about 3 weeks. :) YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Well, I'm sure I've got a bit more going on, but that's a taste of the major stuff going on. Things are actually starting to look up a little bit. I hope it stays. :)
On a related note, THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! to my sister, who's helped me out a whole ton in this situation, I honestly couldn't have done it without you.
I'm in the process of finally moving! So I've got packing, and weeding through my copious amounts of stuff to see what I can junk and what I want to keep. I'm moving back to my home town, which has me VERY excited. I'm going to be closer to pretty much everything except my friends that I've made in the Haverhill area. Which to be perfectly honest, the only people I really talk to from that area are in the bars. I'm sure I'll miss walking down to the Chit Chat or the Tap etc. all the time, but I'm sure my wallet will thank me for it. I'm still thumping around on the bass, when I have time at home, and every Friday. I'm still working on drawing and coloring again. I've been finding new inspiration all over the place. I went to a comic convention in NH last weekend, had a lot of fun, and got an awesome picture of Deadpool by Pop Mhan. Really nice guy and awesome art, I'm still in shock at how fast he does this stuff and how great it comes out. You can see the con sketch here. I've also got plans in the works to get my motorcycle license and get a bike. If anyone has suggestions as to a good bike for cheap, I'm more than willing to listen. :) My workouts have been scarce lately, but I'm really hoping that will change when I move. I should have a bit more free time, and not feel so disgusting by the time I get home. I'm really looking forward to using this move as a spring board for organizing and fixing the rest of my life. I've been really miserable lately, and a good part of it is my house. I hate where I currently live, but that's changing in about 3 weeks. :) YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Well, I'm sure I've got a bit more going on, but that's a taste of the major stuff going on. Things are actually starting to look up a little bit. I hope it stays. :)
On a related note, THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! to my sister, who's helped me out a whole ton in this situation, I honestly couldn't have done it without you.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Man I suck at life...
Sorry for the lack of any updates... I've got a few more pictures up on my deviantart page, but I've been lazy with that lately too. Music stuff is going along the same path as before, the occasional 10 minutes here and there I pick up my guitar/bass and play around a bit, plus my Friday nights. Lately for those, I've been swapping a lot between guitar and bass. Life's a bit of a mess all around right now, so I haven't been motivated to do anything besides sleep, and that's the last thing I'm actually doing. Hopefully things will settle down fairly soon and I can get back on track with everything.
Here's hoping...
Here's hoping...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
another hobby
So, I mentioned that I have hobbies other than music, and I'd try featuring some of that stuff here as well. One such hobby I'm trying to get into and learn more is digital coloring/painting. I'm not very good yet, but here's my second attempt at coloring in someone else's pencils.

Click on the image for a larger version, which looks a little better.
Feel free to drop some suggestions and/or critiques in the comments section.

Click on the image for a larger version, which looks a little better.
Feel free to drop some suggestions and/or critiques in the comments section.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I just can't take it any more!
There's a few musicians that I love, but they have a song that I wouldn't mind going the rest of my life without hearing. It's not because it's a bad song, I've just heard it way too many times, or it just doesn't agree with me for some reason.
Here's a few examples:
Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London
Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill
Queen - We Are the Champions
See? Great songs, I just have no interest in hearing them again. They've been played to death, and I think another part that really gets me are the people who ONLY know those songs by the artist, and it's not even their best work. I'm sure there's more songs that fit in this category, but that's all I've got right now, maybe I'll add to it later.
Here's a few examples:
Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London
Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill
Queen - We Are the Champions
See? Great songs, I just have no interest in hearing them again. They've been played to death, and I think another part that really gets me are the people who ONLY know those songs by the artist, and it's not even their best work. I'm sure there's more songs that fit in this category, but that's all I've got right now, maybe I'll add to it later.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Slight change in plans
I've been way too lax in my music endeavors and to be honest, I've got a ton of hobbies and ideas. So I've decided upon a little restructure over here. Starting now, it's aimed at all of my projects, and the occasional random thought, like the last post. Hope you all enjoy. :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Is it just me?
You ever stand in the shower, hands on your hips watching the water bounce off your chest and think... Is this what it's like when people shoot Superman? Cuz.... I wanna be like Superman.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
NES up your ass!
I found a new site that makes me happy. Good music(sometimes) and nostalgia.
There's some pretty cool stuff. As with any music site, there's a lot of crap on there too. There's also lots of really good stuff from some talented musicians.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
There's some pretty cool stuff. As with any music site, there's a lot of crap on there too. There's also lots of really good stuff from some talented musicians.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Knowledge, HUH! what is it good for?
Absolutely.... EVERYTHING.
okay, yelling caps are out of the way, onto what I mean. If you can't read music, you can't learn a bass line by reading it. If you don't know your scales, you're going to play bad notes. This cycles continues on through pretty much everything. Both of which are problems I have. I think I figured out another part of not being able to play what I hear in my head though. Tone. I hear notes played a certain way, or with distortion, reverb, whatever. The point is, I get frustrated when I can't play what I hear. I hear a mellow deep, slightly fuzzy guitar part, and I have to try and figure it out on a bright strat pushed through a clean guitar amp. That doesn't always work so nice. As far as basslines go, for me that's even harder. I do understand the basics of how to play, but I can never get the tone I want. Time too add to my wishlist....
okay, yelling caps are out of the way, onto what I mean. If you can't read music, you can't learn a bass line by reading it. If you don't know your scales, you're going to play bad notes. This cycles continues on through pretty much everything. Both of which are problems I have. I think I figured out another part of not being able to play what I hear in my head though. Tone. I hear notes played a certain way, or with distortion, reverb, whatever. The point is, I get frustrated when I can't play what I hear. I hear a mellow deep, slightly fuzzy guitar part, and I have to try and figure it out on a bright strat pushed through a clean guitar amp. That doesn't always work so nice. As far as basslines go, for me that's even harder. I do understand the basics of how to play, but I can never get the tone I want. Time too add to my wishlist....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I almost had some motivation! Well not really, but I did pick up the guitar, tuned it up and messed around with it a little bit. I decided while I was playing around that I'd drive down and see if my Dad wanted to play some songs while I waited to hear from my sister. She called on my way down so I didn't have enough time to jam for a bit with Dad. So I didn't really get around to playing much. All of my bass guitars are at my Dad's, so the only guitar I've got at home is the strat, which is the guitar I know the LEAST how to play. I have a tendency to pick up the guitar play a few things that I know, I get frustrated that I can't play what I hear in my head, so I put it down and distract myself with Pogo games....
Like with everything, I need a fire lit under my ass to do anything lately...
Like with everything, I need a fire lit under my ass to do anything lately...
Friday, February 27, 2009
As cool of a band name as that may be, it's not one I'm using(currently). I've just been severely lacking in my practice and playing. :/ I've been pretty regular with my Friday night jam sessions. Although I did miss last week for show, and tonight my cousins band is playing, so I'm skipping out on jam night to go support him. :) It's always good reasons when I skip jam night, and I still love doing it every week. I haven't been doing much of any practicing at home. I've shifted a bit of my focus to working out as of late, and to be perfectly honest when I get home, I really don't want to do anything. I usually end up playing some pogo games or something on the computer until I fall asleep. It's not that I'm not interested in music, or anything, I just don't like being home. I can be in a good mood leaving work, or my sisters house, and I'm irritated and mopey by the time I get home. I feel like all I do is complain, but I really hate that apartment building, and it's getting worse. It really just puts me in a miserable mood, and then I don't want to do anything.
I suppose it might help if I brought my bass amp back home, so at least if I do want to play I can hear it. When I pick up the guitar I play the same chords over again, because it's what I know. I'm horrible at self motivation and teaching myself, but I'm too broke to afford lessons.
Bahhh.. I'm done complaining for today.
I've been listening to Tom Waits a whole lot lately. He's got some really pretty songs. Every time I listen to his stuff and I try and sing along, it makes me wish I had some real talent with writing, playing, and singing...
I suppose it might help if I brought my bass amp back home, so at least if I do want to play I can hear it. When I pick up the guitar I play the same chords over again, because it's what I know. I'm horrible at self motivation and teaching myself, but I'm too broke to afford lessons.
Bahhh.. I'm done complaining for today.
I've been listening to Tom Waits a whole lot lately. He's got some really pretty songs. Every time I listen to his stuff and I try and sing along, it makes me wish I had some real talent with writing, playing, and singing...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Another Friday
I don't mean that in a bad way by any means. I LOVE my Friday nights. I combine a few of my passions under one roof. Music, family, and friends. There also some crazy puppies and copious amounts of soda(for me lately) and beer(not for me lately). I usually get to my parents house a bit before everyone else, besides Dad. Tonight the plan is to talk to him about picking a few songs to learn for October. Anyone have any suggestions?
When we pick a few songs, I'll see if Dad wants to get together another day or two during the week to practice. Not just practice, but practice WITH A METRONOME! haha
One song I would like to have on the list, is Ol' 55 by Tom Waits. Not a ton of lyrics, not a ton of chords, but it's a great great song. Hopefully I'll have a list of songs we're working on, or at the very least I'm working on. :)
On a side note, if you went to an open mic night, and the person playing/singing was facing away from the crowd, would that take away from the music in your mind? Or distract you from what's being played? I know for a fact I'd be nervous as all hell and was thinking about just facing the opposite way to see if it would help... :/
When we pick a few songs, I'll see if Dad wants to get together another day or two during the week to practice. Not just practice, but practice WITH A METRONOME! haha
One song I would like to have on the list, is Ol' 55 by Tom Waits. Not a ton of lyrics, not a ton of chords, but it's a great great song. Hopefully I'll have a list of songs we're working on, or at the very least I'm working on. :)
On a side note, if you went to an open mic night, and the person playing/singing was facing away from the crowd, would that take away from the music in your mind? Or distract you from what's being played? I know for a fact I'd be nervous as all hell and was thinking about just facing the opposite way to see if it would help... :/
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Long time no see
I have a new goal, and a new apartment. Okay, make that two new goals.
1.) Arrange my new room in a manner that's conducive to practicing and easy to get to my instruments and amps.
2.) Pick 3-4 songs to learn CORRECTLY. Real bass lines, words, etc. My best friend is organizing this great event for cancer awareness and research. It involves a few bands playing and people making donations to the cause. The even is in Haverhill, MA at the Chit Chat bar, right in Historic downtown. If anyone wants to come or make a donation, let me know and I'll hook you up with directions, or whatever you need. Anyway, besides it being a great cause and my one good dead I force myself to do every year, it's a musical cause. :) There's a few different bands, starting at 9pm and goes till the bar closes. On to my goal part of this plug, she plans on doing a second show/benefit around October. I want to practice and get good enough to play it, as an opening act. That means I need to work on playing some songs correctly, and somehow learning how to sing, or finding someone who can, to play with.
That's my current goals, wish me luck.
1.) Arrange my new room in a manner that's conducive to practicing and easy to get to my instruments and amps.
2.) Pick 3-4 songs to learn CORRECTLY. Real bass lines, words, etc. My best friend is organizing this great event for cancer awareness and research. It involves a few bands playing and people making donations to the cause. The even is in Haverhill, MA at the Chit Chat bar, right in Historic downtown. If anyone wants to come or make a donation, let me know and I'll hook you up with directions, or whatever you need. Anyway, besides it being a great cause and my one good dead I force myself to do every year, it's a musical cause. :) There's a few different bands, starting at 9pm and goes till the bar closes. On to my goal part of this plug, she plans on doing a second show/benefit around October. I want to practice and get good enough to play it, as an opening act. That means I need to work on playing some songs correctly, and somehow learning how to sing, or finding someone who can, to play with.
That's my current goals, wish me luck.
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