Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's begun!

I've started packing. Of course in true lazy fashion, I packed all the easy stuff first. All my cds, and dvds are boxed up. I started cleaning up and packing some of my music stuff, the microphone, music stand, a bunch of my books, I think I'll leave the guitars out of the cases, so I can still play around when I have a few minutes. and the amps and stuff don't go in boxes anyway. ;) I did a bit of messing around with the tablet in Inkscape last night. Inkscape is a good FREE vector art program. Similar to Illustrator, but quite a bit different. You can't beat it for free though. I'm still having a little bit of an issue with using the tablet as opposed to the mouse, but it is getting easier. I really hope I have enough room in the new apartment for a desk, that should probably help quite a bit too.

There's so much stuff I want to do, I really have to learn how to motivate myself and just do it. I was really hoping there'd be some outlets up in the attic at the new place, but no such luck, unless I just didn't see it. I might be able to just run an extension chord up there, so I can at least have a radio for working out, etc. Once I'm all settled in, I want to look into getting one of those brew at home beer kits, and make a batch or two... See, so many hobbies... :/ haha

I sure do wish I was actually real good at one of my hobbies...

Friday, June 5, 2009


Anybody want to buy me a new fast computer with CS4?? anybody?? :) Ehh, just one more thing on my list of wants. I'm getting into Illustrator. I suck, but it's fun!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Lots going on right now!
I'm in the process of finally moving! So I've got packing, and weeding through my copious amounts of stuff to see what I can junk and what I want to keep. I'm moving back to my home town, which has me VERY excited. I'm going to be closer to pretty much everything except my friends that I've made in the Haverhill area. Which to be perfectly honest, the only people I really talk to from that area are in the bars. I'm sure I'll miss walking down to the Chit Chat or the Tap etc. all the time, but I'm sure my wallet will thank me for it. I'm still thumping around on the bass, when I have time at home, and every Friday. I'm still working on drawing and coloring again. I've been finding new inspiration all over the place. I went to a comic convention in NH last weekend, had a lot of fun, and got an awesome picture of Deadpool by Pop Mhan. Really nice guy and awesome art, I'm still in shock at how fast he does this stuff and how great it comes out. You can see the con sketch here. I've also got plans in the works to get my motorcycle license and get a bike. If anyone has suggestions as to a good bike for cheap, I'm more than willing to listen. :) My workouts have been scarce lately, but I'm really hoping that will change when I move. I should have a bit more free time, and not feel so disgusting by the time I get home. I'm really looking forward to using this move as a spring board for organizing and fixing the rest of my life. I've been really miserable lately, and a good part of it is my house. I hate where I currently live, but that's changing in about 3 weeks. :) YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Well, I'm sure I've got a bit more going on, but that's a taste of the major stuff going on. Things are actually starting to look up a little bit. I hope it stays. :)

On a related note, THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! to my sister, who's helped me out a whole ton in this situation, I honestly couldn't have done it without you.