Friday, April 9, 2010

oh crap!

Show is tonight!!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Graveyard Snake

newer version of one of my bands songs. It's a quick one take recording during practice, and the first recording with me on bass.
Check it out, lemme know what you think. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010


So much to post about, because I don't post often enough. This will probably still be fairly brief, and give a quick run down on some news on the music front.

New show lined up!
Quietis is playing the Haverhill Elks club April 9th! $8 a ticket through me, $10 at the door. If anyone wants tickets, let me know. :) I'll put up another post about the show later. I plan on working up a flier at some point.

New Equipment!
Right now, I'm borrowing a nice power amp and 4x10 bass cabinet from my cousin. It's a nice 1,500 watt Peavey power amp, and a Peavey 4x10" cabinet. Sounds killer compared to the 10 watt practice amp I've been playing through at home. To go with that rig, I picked up a Behringer V-Amp pro modeling bass preamp. It's a fun little toy, with some minor effects, and models a bunch of different amp/cabinet combinations.

I also picked up a cheap Washburn 4-string bass. It's definitely going to be the first bass I mess around with as far as new parts go. I plan on giving it a new bridge, pick-ups, etc.

Just because that really isn't enough stuff to put into my apartment, I got a great deal on a Hartke 4x10 bass cab, so that's on its way. :)

So much stuff going on with Quietis, it's awesome. I'm practicing more now than I ever have before. I'm learning new styles of playing, and getting faster. I really do owe a lot of that to learning how to play off the cuff from my Friday night jams over the parents house. At least as far as learning the gist of the bands songs fairly quick. I still have a long ways to go before I can play these songs the way I want to, or hear i in my head, but I'm getting there. The best part of it, is how much the other band mates believe in my playing and that I'll be ready for this show in April. :)

It's an awesome feeling. Knowing that I have some friends in another band playing that show is killer too. It's nice knowing my friends want to play shows with me, knowing that I've never done it before, it's my first band(besides the Mother Pluckers Friday night jam band). I'm having an absolute blast with all this music. :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

yes! but nooo

Less than two weeks into joining the band, we had a show booked! WTF?! I've had one practice! I decided to say sure, what the hell, let's do this, I'll practice like hell, and learn the songs, in only 23 days. YIKES!!! Unfortunately/luckily the show fell through and we're not playing it. So I've got a little more time to learn the songs and play with the guys. We're still looking to book some shows soon, but hopefully a little bit further away than a month, with only one practice a week.
Whew.. I love this whole being in a band thing, it's making me play a whole lot more often, it's really jump started my love for music again. Also... I've got a hankering for a new bass. Which I'm making plans to get... hopefully fairly soon. I am under NO circumstances allowed to buy it until I have AT LEAST 1/2 to 2/3 in cash to pay for it. Then, it's on to the PA with recordable mixer. :) I love making plans, especially when I'm smart enough to follow them.
As usual, donations are accepted. lol ;)

Monday, January 25, 2010

I actually did it!

I joined a band. My second practice with them is tonight. I'm still brand new to this, so I'm still real nervous, but the first practice went really well. At least it seemed to. The other members of Quietis seemed to be pleased with my bass playing. Granted it wasn't too hard to win over my cousin, who I'm replacing on bass, so he can focus on singing. ;) They started me out with about five songs that are fairly easy. Easy changes, and play pretty much what I want, in time and in key. It's still really early on, but so far, it's a lot of fun, and it's got me practicing and playing more at home. A trend I really would like to keep up. It's actually got me wanting to play and write more of my own stuff too. Which means I'm going to need a way to record soon.

Even better, is practice doesn't interfere with my usual Friday night jams with Dad and co. One of my 2010 goals is already checked off and we're not even out of January. I'm going to carry this positivity over into the next 11 months and make this the best year ever:)

Hopefully with all the new musical excitement I'll have more to post about and update MUCH more often. not once every five months or so.
So stay tuned all, Fatty is on a roll.. :)