Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I almost had some motivation! Well not really, but I did pick up the guitar, tuned it up and messed around with it a little bit. I decided while I was playing around that I'd drive down and see if my Dad wanted to play some songs while I waited to hear from my sister. She called on my way down so I didn't have enough time to jam for a bit with Dad. So I didn't really get around to playing much. All of my bass guitars are at my Dad's, so the only guitar I've got at home is the strat, which is the guitar I know the LEAST how to play. I have a tendency to pick up the guitar play a few things that I know, I get frustrated that I can't play what I hear in my head, so I put it down and distract myself with Pogo games....

Like with everything, I need a fire lit under my ass to do anything lately...


Anonymous said...

Last time I lit a fire under your ars you turned me in for Arson!

Hmmmm maybe a title for a song!

Fatty McFat-Fat said...

I think it'd have to be an old school country song.