Monday, January 25, 2010

I actually did it!

I joined a band. My second practice with them is tonight. I'm still brand new to this, so I'm still real nervous, but the first practice went really well. At least it seemed to. The other members of Quietis seemed to be pleased with my bass playing. Granted it wasn't too hard to win over my cousin, who I'm replacing on bass, so he can focus on singing. ;) They started me out with about five songs that are fairly easy. Easy changes, and play pretty much what I want, in time and in key. It's still really early on, but so far, it's a lot of fun, and it's got me practicing and playing more at home. A trend I really would like to keep up. It's actually got me wanting to play and write more of my own stuff too. Which means I'm going to need a way to record soon.

Even better, is practice doesn't interfere with my usual Friday night jams with Dad and co. One of my 2010 goals is already checked off and we're not even out of January. I'm going to carry this positivity over into the next 11 months and make this the best year ever:)

Hopefully with all the new musical excitement I'll have more to post about and update MUCH more often. not once every five months or so.
So stay tuned all, Fatty is on a roll.. :)


Gregg said...

Awesome! Congrats

Moleman said...

You will learn a lot playing in the band... The structured environment will help out your Friday night jamming and make us all better players!!

Chai Latté said...

Mmmm Fatty on a roll makes me want a steak, cheese, bacon, mayo sammich.


Fatty McFat-Fat said...

Thanks Gregg. :)

That's the plan Dad, to get better and not always be the weakest link.

HAHAHAHA Steak and cheese with mayo and bacon always sounds good!