Monday, September 22, 2008

Don't call 9-1-1!!

I know, I cleaned my room, but that's no cause for alarm. Well not really anyway. :) I made room to spread out my guitars and amps, and such, so I can have some room to play. Nothing is plugged back in yet, since unfortunately I only have one outlet in my bedroom, so I'm going to have to rearrange some plugs, and run an extension cord to the other side of the room, for the amps. It's a never ending cycle of madness. I really just don't have enough room to set myself up and be organized. Just more stuff to look forward to when looking at a new apartment. So in case you haven't figured it out, I didn't get to play at all yesterday, but at least the room is clean. There's one project out of the way.

1 comment:

Chai Latté said...

Yay clean room! :-) Now, come clean mine!