Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Slow learner

Sometimes, there's things that make me feel not very smart. Surprisingly, one of those things is music. I practiced for a little over an hour tonight. I worked on scales, like I said I was going to. I'm happy I did, but man, it made me realize just how bad my fretboard knowledge is. I'm going through my scales book page by page now, learning ALL of the different positions for scales on the neck. The firs two pages happen to be C Major, and C Minor. C major is easy as far as notes goes, no sharps, no flats. My problem with C Major lies in my lack of knowing the fretboard. When I go to the next string, I know the pattern, but I don't know the note. Easy as hell to read the tabs, hard for me to try and figure it out on my own. On the plus side, Since I'm working on C Minor as well, I now know, that the C Minor scale has three flats, E, A, and B.

The other thing I discovered, while doing this, is I should really start practicing standing up. Playing on the higher frets(basically 12 and up) it's tough to get my hand in position, without running it into my body. That makes it really hard to fret the notes correctly.

I'm going to end this on a positive note. I LOVE playing, I love making music, my new cow bell is awesome, and I'm VERY VERY happy with my music stand purchase. Also, my cousin just moved into a new place, and wants to drink some beers and play some music. You're damned right for thinking I'm going to take him up on that offer. Any time someone wants to play music, and teach me stuff, I'm there!! That goes for any of you as well(all one of my readers) You wanna jam sometime, and teach me how to play better, I'll see what I can do about making it, or have you stop by here. I've got a pull out couch, and a few liquor store local. ;)

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