Monday, October 20, 2008

Drummers really do help.

I skipped on having a bass lesson last Wednesday, but I'm going back this week. The original reason for skipping a week was to have more time to practice, but things didn't really happen that way. I did however have a great time playing Wednesday night. I joined my dad and a few of his friends for a jam night. I brought my 5-string, played standing up, and with a drummer for my first time ever. I'm not used to playing the 5-string, and I've very rarely played standing up, so it was a pretty awkward experience, and I wish I could have played better. I did okay though, my song structure knowledge and guessing where the progression goes is getting better. I enjoyed playing with a drummer though. It did help me realize my timing is pretty good. I do want to start learning songs, not just scales. It's a lot of fun to just jam and play stuff off the cuff, but think I need to work on some more structured stuff, to help with consistent playing. I'm thinking a few Pink Floyd songs, like Money, and Comfortably Numb. I have a rough idea how both of them go. Money I've got in one of my books too, so I'll have the music and tabs in front of me, plus I've got them both on cd, so I can practice playing it "live". So much to work on, so little free time. I want to try working on my ear too, like trying to sit down and listen to a song and figure out how to play the bass line. That one is going to be tough.

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