Friday, October 10, 2008

Snake Bass?

Naw, just still working on scales... a snake bass could be kind of cool though. I'm still pretty confused about different modes of scales. My bass teacher and book kind of contradict each other. Maybe I'll do some research. I love the fact that I'm taking lessons, but I don't feel like I'm getting a ton of use from them. I don't have a lesson this coming Wednesday, but I am going back the week after. I haven't had much time to practice lately, but when I do, it's all about scales and finger exercises. It's odd, it's almost like I'm just now starting to learn how to play. I'm trying to relearn how to read music. Mostly the bass clef for now, I'll work on treble after I get good at bass. I guess the way I see it now is, I'm actually learning how to play music. I know HOW to play the bass, I don't know how to play music. If that makes sense. I'm relearning the fundamentals, like how you build scales, how you use them, and the theory behind playing. I have a basic understanding or chord structure and song structure, but I'm pretty clueless on how to effectively apply it to playing. I am realizing how important fretboard knowledge is. If I was better at that, it would make figuring out new chords(on the guitar) much easier.

Key things I'm working on...
1.) Learning scales, starting with major and minor for all 7 keys(yes I know there's more including flat keys, those are next. Which includes memorizing what's sharp or flat in each key.

2.) Learn the neck! When someone says Bb, I need instinct to kick in and I hit the Bb, not look down, find a note I know and count up or down to find it.

3.) Reading music, specifically the bass clef. Honestly right now, this isn't super important for me, tabs can get the job done as far as notes. Yes the timing is hard to figure out, but how often am I going to be trying to learn a song I don't know? Not very. I'm not in a cover band, and a lot of the stuff I want to do, is write my own songs.

4.) Practicing more consistently. I need to give myself a set time to play, and what I'm going to play. I also need to try and remove any distractions. Ideally, I want to practice everyday.

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