Tuesday, July 22, 2008

practice, practice, practice...

Still working on that new song. Also, trying to keep on working with my strumming. I'm getting better, but it'll still be a long time till I'm really fluent. I'm still mostly just working on strumming and barre chords, and the usual major/minor type chords. I want to get those down good before I start trying to work on the diminished, 7ths, suspended, etc.

I haven't touched the bass since Friday night. Even then I played a bit of guitar, while Ed played bass. It was a pretty even night over all though. I really want to get to the point where I can record some stuff. I want to work on a bass line for this tune. I suppose I should work on a name for it too. It needs a lot of work, but I like the basics of what I've got.

I was messing around some and came up with another progression that I'd like to keep working with. Let's hope I can remember it.

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